In-app game community with likes and comments

Level Up Your Gaming Experience with Community Engagement

Italo Orihuela
Italo Orihuela
Oct 25, 2023

Community engagement plays a pivotal role in enhancing the overall user experience, which is also a key factor when looking at gaming experiences. This blog will delve into how you can leverage the power of communities to enrich your gaming journey.

We will explore the dynamic features of Amity Social Cloud’s Community, a tool designed to foster communication, collaboration, and participation among users. We will also discuss the different types of communities, public and private, and how you can utilize them to your advantage.

Furthermore, we will touch upon the Community Post Settings, which provide control over who can create posts and how they are moderated. So, buckle up and get ready to transform your gaming experience with the power of communities!


Before we dive into the details, here are a few things you need to have:

  1. Familiarity with Amity Social Cloud SDK
  2. An Amity Social Cloud Portal account
  3. An Amity Social Cloud Console Account
  4. A UI or access to Amity Social Cloud UI Kits

Note: If you haven’t already registered for an Amity account, we recommend following our comprehensive step-by-step guide in the Amity Portal to create your new network.

Step 1: Understanding the Power of Communities

Communities are dedicated spaces where users can discuss specific topics or interests, connect with like-minded individuals, and build deeper relationships. In a gaming context, communities can be used to discuss game strategies, share achievements, or simply connect with other gamers. By harnessing the power of communities, you can create a more dynamic and engaging gaming experience.

Step 2: Choosing the Right Type of Community

Amity Social Cloud offers two types of communities: public and private. A public community is visible to anyone, meaning anyone can join and all content posted within the community is visible to all. On the other hand, a private community is only visible to the creator and invited members, providing greater privacy and control over the content shared within the community. Depending on your needs and preferences, you can choose the type of community that best fits your gaming experience.

Step 3: Controlling Community Post Settings

Community Post Settings allow the community creator and moderators to control who can create posts and how they are moderated. There are three possible options: anyoneCanPost, adminReviewPostRequired, and onlyAdminCanPost. Depending on the level of control and moderation you want in your community, you can choose the appropriate setting.

Step 4: Utilizing Community Description

The Community Description provides detailed information about the community, including the community ID, channel ID, user ID of the creator, community name, avatar, description, and various other properties. This information can be used to better understand the community and its members, and to manage and adjust community settings to meet the needs of the community.

Step 5: Engaging with the Community

Once you have set up your community, it’s time to engage with your members. Share your thoughts, ask questions, respond to other members’ posts, and encourage active participation. Remember, the more engaged your community is, the more vibrant and dynamic it will be.

Final Thoughts

Community engagement is a powerful way to significantly enhance your gaming experience. By leveraging the features of Amity Social Cloud’s Community, you can create a vibrant and engaging space for your users to connect, collaborate, and participate. Whether you choose a public or private community, and regardless of your post settings, the key to a successful community is active and meaningful engagement. So, start building your gaming community today and level up your gaming experience!