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Implement Social Use Case Scenarios - Tutorial

Guide to easily implement Social Use Case Scenarios. Example H2. Example H3. Example H4. Example H5. Example H6. Create Account. Ready to take your app to the next level?

Seamless Data Migration in Community Environments

case for when you manage users' data in a community environment which is being provided by a third party.

Using AI for Image Moderation in Your Online Community

You should only specify a confidence value of less than 50 only when lower confidence detection is acceptable for your use case. Disabling Image Moderation.

Use Cases - See what you can build with Amity Social Cloud

Use Cases. See what you can build with Amity Social Cloud. Get started with our use cases. Ready to unlock the full potential of your app? Talk to Sales.

What's New in Amity Social Cloud, September 2023

Use Case 1: Seamless Navigation Based on Search Results. Imagine searching for a specific message in a sea of conversations and instantly jumping to it.

Diverse Chat Channels for Everyday Scenarios

In this tutorial, we will explore. the concept of channels and subchannels. in a Chat SDK, and how to use them to cater to various everyday scenarios.

My Experience Working with the New Tech Stack of Telemed

Vercel uses NextJs, and with it, the deployment to production was as easy as a single command “now --prod”.

Result class is RxJava’s soulmate

Why Result class is the perfect LiveData alternative for Android and the best use cases you should be considering. {% c-block language="JavaScript" %}. struct AppSettings {. // Update the respective

What is a super app? The new age of mobile disruption is here

When smartphones first entered the market, mobile applications were simple: one use case was filled by one app. Today, the market is a lot more complex.

Using Decorators in TypeScript in 2024

In this post, we’ll explore some of the capabilities of decorators and see examples of how they can be used to extend TypeScript classes in useful ways. What Are TypeScript Decorators?

The benefits of using chat SDKs for app messaging features

Since they improve time to market while being secure and dependable, SDK use has grown over the years. On average, Android and iOS apps use 15.6 and 7 different SDKs. , respectively.

From Web Engineer to Product Manager: Joseph Edmed

I see Upstra as a lego piece that our clients can use to build their apps the way they want to.